The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) must have proper policies and procedures to address medication administration. Empower’s oversight of HCBS medication administration shall include an attention for the providers to provide evidence of proper medication administration policies and procedures. Policies and procedures will be requested and reviewed for; administration processes of who may administer and oversee medication and who may assist with the administration of medication. Yearly training of designated staff regarding proper medication administration. Proper documentation of medication administration inclusive of, the member’s name, the medication dispensed, the dose dispensed, the route used to administer the medication, time dispensed, the individual signature of the person dispensing in the member chart/record. Documentation of PRN Medication must include the member’s acceptance or refusal of the medication. When a documentation process in not used, what authority is cited to waive the requirement. Policies and procedures for controlled substance process and incident reporting of medication errors. All medication error incident reports will be reviewed as a Potential Quality of Care Concern.