At Empower Healthcare Solutions (Empower), we value the feedback of our providers. That’s why we conduct a Provider Satisfaction Survey to measure their satisfaction with our organization. This information allows us to measure how well we are meeting their expectations and needs, and to identify areas where we can improve.
The Provider Satisfaction Survey is an important tool for our organization. Based on the data collected, we summarize the results and identify our plan strengths and opportunities. This helps us to continuously improve the care we provide to our members.
The Provider Satisfaction Survey is a widely recognized survey that many organizations use to monitor provider satisfaction levels. This survey supports the NCQA Health Plan Accreditation Standards, specifically NCQA Standard QI 3 (Continuity and Coordination of Medical Care). This standard requires managed care organizations to gather information at least annually to assess and identify opportunities to improve coordination of medical care across its delivery system. This includes conducting quantitative analysis of data and feedback.
To enhance the value of the survey for organizations providing behavioral healthcare services, SPH has developed an optional supplemental survey module with 3 questions. This module is designed to address NCQA Standard QI 4 (Continuity and Coordination Between Medical Care and Behavioral Health Care). This standard looks to the organization to demonstrate evidence of collaboration between medical care delivery systems and its behavioral healthcare network.
We encourage our providers to participate in our Provider Satisfaction Survey. Your feedback is critical to our success in providing high-quality care to our members. We value your input and are committed to using the results of the survey to continuously improve our organization. Thank you for your partnership with Empower Healthcare Solutions.